Thursday, May 10, 2012

Luck of the Buttons

Title: Luck of the Buttons
Author: Anne Ylvisaker
Pages: 224
Content: G
Language: G
Level: Middle School/High School
Recommendation: Good Read

Summary:  Tugs Esther Button was born to a luckless family. Buttons don’t presume to be singers or dancers. They aren’t athletes or artists, good listeners or model citizens. Until tomboy Tugs befriends the popular Aggie Millhouse, wins a brand-new Brownie camera in the Independence Day raffle, and stumbles into a mystery only she can solve, she looks at her hapless family and sees her own reflection looking back. But it’s a summer of change, and it just may be that in the end, being a Button is precisely what one clumsy, funny, spirited, and observant young heroine decides to make of it.

Review: I instantly fell in love with the quirky Tugs Button and the town she lives in.  This book is a very quick and easy read, but full of wonderful characters and insight to a tiny town, where people are as good as their word.   Great characters, great story, an enjoyable book for boys and girls alike.

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